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Erneuerbare Energiequellen

Raising electrification to the next level.

The global population is growing sharply, so does GDP, resulting in a raise in energy demand. The environmental challenge is imminent, and climate objectives to tackle it require a drastic reduction of GHG emissions. To do so, energy transition is a must, which will require a significant reshaping of energy systems, i.e. electrification and a massive production shift to renewables.

Following the Paris Agreements, renewable capacities (hydro, wind, solar and biomass) have indeed risen significantly across the globe, with various penetration rate patterns. This said, is it sufficient to reach the Paris objectives? While the answer is well known, quantifying it is another story, which turns out to be Enerdata’s core expertise.

New markets and interconnections have been implemented to support the development of renewables and improve flexibility and balance between power supply and demand, as smart grid, storage capacity, and H2 electrolysis.

Players of the energy value chain (investors, producers, TSOs, DSOs, utilities) need to gauge their sustainability obligations, their strategic options and business opportunities related to energy transition. Enerdata supports them with 30-year expertise and unique solutions: market studies, databases, scenarios and forecasts on: production, power mix, demand and prices, new technologies as well as monitoring decarbonisation indicators such as GHG emissions, energy intensity, carbon factor and more.

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Unsere Energie- und Klimaexperten stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Herausforderungen zu besprechen und zu beurteilen, wie wir Sie beim Erfolg Ihres Projekts unterstützen können.