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Enerdata guides you through pathways to reach climate targets.

The climate constraint has never been more intense, with global commitments (COP), regional policies (EU) and instruments (carbon markets). How to achieve those goals while maintaining a country’s competitiveness? What are the most effective sectors to leverage? To which extent should there be a shift in the power mix? Offering a 360° view of the energy markets as well as sensitivity analysis on climate policies, Enerdata provides independent scenario-based pathways assessment, with our expertise and your assumptions.


Carbon neutrality scenarios for ADEME


  • For a national ministry of energy: The client was in need of solid information on which to base policies for a successful energy transition. Enerdata leveraged the expertise of its local experts and the MedPro model in order to build scenarios for forecasting the future energy mix. Following the presentation of the results, the client was able to make key assumptions on which to base and evaluate appropriate policy decisions, which were then made available to the public.

Sprechen Sie mit einem Experten

Unsere Energie- und Klimaexperten stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Herausforderungen zu besprechen und zu beurteilen, wie wir Sie beim Erfolg Ihres Projekts unterstützen können.